Chester Fields 2024:
The resulting works, selected by the jury for presentation in this gallery are shown alongside quotations and texts chosen and written by the artists. They include a vast variety of reflections on how stories change across time and through interpretation, and demonstrate the agency of artists in paying homage or offering critique. Together, they ask how photography might encapsulate, amplify, and in certain cases exceed what is written.
With special thanks to jurors: artist Rydel Cerezo; curator and co-founder of Pale Fire Projects, Amy Kazymerchyk; and artist and Massy Arts’ Community Arts Coordinator/Curator Faune Ybarra.
Below showcases the submittals chosen by the jury. An in-person exhibition of the shortlisted artists will be shown at The Polygon Gallery July 27 to September 8, 2024.
Chester Fields is a professionally juried photography exhibition for high school students. Initiated in 2009 and named for The Polygon Gallery’s former home at 333 Chesterfield Avenue, the programme proposes a theme for artists to respond to through an original work of photographic art.
This year’s prompt was inspired by the myth-making present in Martine Gutierrez’s ANTI-ICON: APOKALYPSIS, currently on view at The Polygon alongside new, richly storied work by Tau Lewis. The 2024 Chester Fields theme challenged young artists to choose a phrase or sentence from a significant folktale, myth, legend, or other cultural text, and to make an image based on these words.
Generously Supported By
The Hamber Foundation, Hemlock Printers, and The Lab Vancouver
Media Partner
North Shore News
Header image: Alison Boulier